William Ogden, Trustee/Director of Decibels, authored an article published in the European Association of Cochlear Implant Users promoting the fantastic work that was successfully delivered in Barbados led by Audiovisability alongside Decibels, Specialkidz, the Peter & Jan Boos Family Foundation Inc. & the Barbados Council for the Disabled - the CALYPSO Project.

The European Association of Cochlear Implant Users (EURO-CIU) is a non-governmental and non-profit association consisting of 33 national member associations from 25 European countries. Altogether EURO-CIU represents almost 220.000 cochlear implant (CI) users across Europe, approximately 60% of whom are adults and 40% children. It’s a full member of the European Disability Forum (EDF).

You can read the full newsletter containing the article at the link below.

Click here to read the article