We are pleased to announce that Ruth Montgomery has been appointed as our new Creative Arts Director. A member of the Clore leadership programme, Ruth has worked with us extensively in the past 6 years on a number of very important projects including The Dressage Music Project, Makey Makey, The Unheard World, Music for Special Children and Calpyso.

“I am most excited to be taking on the role of Creative Arts Director for Decibels especially as I have just completed the Clore Leadership programme in the Arts. Having being involved with Decibels for the last ten years and very familiar with their setup and armed with my recent Clore experiences, I aspire to bring more movement with the involvement of many professionals, therapists and artists, especially in the new upcoming project “Mental Health and Wellbeing through music, visual arts, signed songs and drama performances” by forging stronger bonds, partnerships and networks in the UK and Worldwide.”